– The Quartered Queen –
January 25, 27 and 28

Within a few hours of each other, Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII, Queen of England, and old Hugh de Robsart cross the threshold of Kenilworth, the castle of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester.
Elizabeth, the virgin queen, who has reigned supreme over England for twenty years, comes to confess to the Earl of Leicester the passion that devours her and to offer him the throne of England.
Sir Hugh de Robsart, a minor knight of Lidcote Hall, is searching for his daughter, Amy, whom he believes to have been abducted and seduced by Richard Varney, squire to the Earl of Leicester. But Amy Robsart has not been abducted and Robert of Leicester cannot marry the Queen. Amy and Robert have secretly married without royal permission. And unaware of the forces they have set in motion, they are enjoying an extended honeymoon at Kenilworth.
The meeting of the sovereign and the old knight behind the walls of Kenilworth will trigger the drama historically known as the Amy Robsart mystery.
The artists
Author : Christian Simeon
Director : Yves Verhoeven
Distribution : G.Barbier, D.Brément, P.Monin, P.Hervy, A.Papon
Dates and Times:
January 25, 26, 27 at 8:30 p.m.
Sunday January 28 at 3:30 p.m.
Duration: 1h30
Full price: € 13
Reduced rate: € 10